November 1, 2008
Thanks, Bo.
I so appreciate the way you constantly go way beyond the call of duty to extravagant levels to support this ministry. Your contribution has been immense and continues to be so. And, I want you to know, it is never lost on me. I am very clear the incredible value you bring, in terms of saved time, organizational efficiency, brilliance in technological applications that are very low maintenance and very high value, and, in your unique way, a cheerfulness in the way you go about it. I will admit that your cheerfulness is lost on most, but not on me. To me, it is displayed in the incredible faithfulness and consistency with which you do what you do for us, and the uncompromising commitment to generating value for us, while, all the while, never complaining (and in my sense-not even inclined to complain-because of your love of service and heart to give). I realize that, at times, you are frustrated with me or others, because of mis-understandings of missing each other in some way, but, honestly, those times are so rare when compared with the amazing consistency with which you honor request after request after request after request with brilliance, fantastic turnaround time, integrity and character. As a matter of fact, I think the thing I love most about you is your character. And, I must say, it is beyond reproach. It humbles me and I am gratified, thankful and appreciative to be a friend and a fellow worker in the kingdom with you.
I love you and Stanley. I love your heart, your uncompromising values, your spirit, your care, your diligence, and your amazing vigor, rigor and brilliance. You are truly both "one" of a kind, and it has been and will continue to be my privilege to be friends and fellow workers.
I know this all sounds pretty "over the top", but, I think, sometimes that is what is called for. No hyperbole in my comments. They are heartfelt and you deserve to hear them, in my view.
I love you both. I realize how much Stanley is a part of all this in terms of what you do to serve us. Because I know there is a price to be paid for the level of service you extend. And that price is not only born by you, but by Stanley, and also, perhaps, by others you also love. All I can say to you is that it makes a huge difference, and I am so thankful and gratified by it. Your sacrifice will never be lost on me. You are wonderful warriors in the kingdom. Amazing.